Thursday, November 6, 2008

Getting Results

Is your self-hypnosis working? "They" say it takes 21 days to make a change. Technically you'd need to do your intentioned imagining daily (even better: twice daily) for 3 weeks before saying it didn't work. Even if it's only for a minute each time. However, if it's something you don't really want to do, it won't work even if you went to a hypnotist daily for a year. I know because my self-hypnosis has been very successful in areas like confidence and procrastination, but when it comes to quitting pizza, it's just not something I feel willing to give up. Instead I've learned to get more specific about what pizza I eat (home made hypoallergenic vs. the gluten-dairy-yeast fest that taunts me on every street corner). When the results disappoint, it's rarely by fault of the hypnosis, self-imposed or otherwise.

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