Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Self Hypnosis Workshops

I recently offered a 2-hr Self-Hypnosis Workshop for about 12 youth performance artists aged 13-23. They focused intently on how to script their goals properly, and thrust themselves fully into the process of introspection and relaxation.

I offered another Self-Hypnosis mini workshop (about 40 minutes) to a group of 10 adults at a life coaching retreat and about 20 adults at a yoga, meditation, and nutrition retreat. Adults start out more skeptical but those who get it and want it go for it. It always amazes me how much impact some participants choose to attain in a simple 5 or 10 minute session. I don't even bother with the helium balloon exercise because scripting and visualizing a goal state is tantalizing enough.

I've taken to enjoying little bursts of self-hypnosis - on the ttc, waiting in line, etc. A few seconds of mindful anticipation are better than none.

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