Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Core

I've now been doing motivational hypnosis with clients for a year and a half, and I am starting to notice trends which I suppose should come as no surprise. People come for help with procrastination, stress, thought patterns...all kinds of every day challenges that we all face (self included). But no matter what we call it, the core of each of these challenges can be traced back to self love, acceptance, nonjudgement, and care for the inner child. These words sound so general...but not when you trace back step by step from a particular life obstacle. I can't explain generically how smoking cessation and procrastination trace back to self-love. Maybe not always as lack of or inability to...but rather healthy ways to show love to oneself...releasing self-judgement along the way. I don't know how to convince anyone...I just know it. I struggle with it myself! Buy my book. (just kidding! I don't have one. Yet :-)

Do you know how to show yourself love without being a consumer?
Do you know how to feel good without doing something bad?
Your answers could be our much needed new addictions because I for one am tired of looking for happiness on a plate or hanger.